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Quick Portrait Session on top of Nephin

We recently undertook a little trip to Nephin in County Mayo.

I always say that the mixed weather days are the best for photos. While it might be unpleasant at times, it produces the most dynamic photos full on contrast and colors that help it stand out.


We set out to get to the top of Nephin on a day with a horrible weather forecast, we got up early before sun rise in hope of starting Nephin around 7am to miss the heavy showers later in the day.

As we parked up the car at our starting point, it started raining heavy, but only for a little.


We enjoyed a pleasant hike up to the top with mostly clear views, before being engulfed in a heavy cover of clouds/fog at the very top, followed by some light mist, however as we retreated down the same path, it eventually cleared up again and we decided to do a quick impromptu photo session.


I always bring my tripod just in case we want to take some self portraits we can throw up on social media and it is a great time to do it as you cannot get more unique locations for portraits like halfway up the mountain or at the top 😊