Embracing Love and Life: Maternity Photos for Marco and Trang in Drumlish, County Longford

At the heart of photography is the art of capturing love and the precious moments that follow. On a serene August evening in the idyllic setting of Drumlish, County Longford, I had the pleasure of joining Marco and Trang, a beautiful, fun-loving, and vibrant couple, as they celebrated their engagement, upcoming wedding, and the joyful anticipation of parenthood. Their homestead provided the perfect backdrop, and the golden glow of the setting sun painted a beautiful canvas of love.

If you're seeking natural, fun, and vibrant photography services in Longford and Roscommon counties, you've found the right place. Contact us to make your moments unforgettable.

A Beautiful Calm August Evening:

The setting couldn't have been more perfect—a calm August evening where the sun's warm embrace cast a gentle glow on Marco and Trang. As we ventured into their front garden, surrounded by the laughter and quirky noises of goats in the background, the couple's love and happiness shone through.

Exploring Love:

Our approach to maternity photos is all about capturing the authentic connection between couples. Marco and Trang's love story is vividly reflected in the laughter and affection they shared during the shoot. We encouraged them to be themselves, to let their love unfold naturally, and to have fun while doing so.

Vibrant and Joyful Moments:

From vibrant laughter to quiet moments of tenderness, Marco and Trang radiated happiness. Their journey was not only about celebrating an engagement, a wedding, or an impending arrival; it was about celebrating their love for each other and the vibrant energy that they brought into this new chapter of their lives.

If you're ready to embrace the vibrancy of your own life moments and are looking for natural, fun, and vibrant photography services in Longford and Roscommon counties, we're here to make your moments unforgettable. Visit our portfolio and contact us to book your photography experience.


Capturing maternity photos for Marco and Trang was a privilege. Their love story, with all its vibrancy, joy, and authenticity, was a reminder of the beauty of life's most precious moments.

Your love story is unique and special, and it deserves to be celebrated and cherished. If you're planning maternity photos or any other photography services in Longford and Roscommon counties, our expertise and passion are here to make your moments unforgettable. Contact me today, and let's begin the journey of turning your moments into lasting memories.