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Results of 3rd April Photography Competition

Hi All,

Another week over in no time and another week of excellent submissions from you all. Thanks to everyone for participating in this week’s photo competition. Thank you to all who submitted photographs and for those watching and supporting other photographers. I hope that you find this photography competition entertaining and useful as a learning tool to improve your photography even during lockdown. I spend a considerable amount of time going through these images to construct positive and constructive criticism to help me and you become a better photographer and I hope you all are taking the time to review everyone’s picture and learn from them.

This week’s theme is a complex subject and hard to communicate. It can be taken literally as the difference between light and dark, colour and no colour, sharp and blurry or even by emotions or lack of them.

It’s very difficult to define what contrast is as a whole and I have probably picked a theme that was harder to judge for me than to actually take a picture for some of you.

I could have taken an image, opened a histogram and pick a winner that way. However, there is so much more to contrast than a graph of shadows and whites.

As per previous competition, I have divided all submissions into Tier 1, 2 and 3. Tier 1 represents the best photographic submissions followed by Tier 2 and 3.

On a little side note to ensure we are clear. If you are viewing these photos on your mobile phone, the description of each image and the artists name is underneath each image.

If you are on an iPad or PC, description is either left or right of the image.

As usual, always remember, that these photo submissions are my opinion, that does not necessarily make this right or wrong. I simply judge them based on the rules outlined in the rules of the competition.

Hopefully, some feedback will help you learn something new and make you excel in your future photography.

Without further delays, enjoy these beautiful photos and people at it’s best.

Winning Submission

Congratulations to Donal Ring for winning this week’s competition with this beautiful image of an Egret.
(Yes, I had to google for the name of this bird :D)

Tier 1 - Contrast and Mystery

Here are the images from the fellow photographers for Tier 1. Well done and congratulations.

Tier 2 - Contrast

Closely followed by Tier 2 Submissions.

Tier 3

Followed by the last Tier in our photo competition. Thanks so much for participating.

Thank you all so much for participating. It’s great so see such enthusiasm.

If you’re up for it, click HERE to see our 2nd weeks competition and submit your next amazing photo :)
