Photos of the Palmerstown House Hotel

As we were recently venue searching all over Ireland, we had the pleasure to visit some of the most exciting venues in Ireland. Photos below are of Palmerstown House Hotel in Johnstown, Co. Kildare.

Honestly, this was probably one of my favourite venues, it has a very open lobby which is unique and perfect for entertainment after the dinner, however, the dinner rooms we’re segregated, this means that most guests would not be able to see bride and groom at all times, and while not a deal break to me. It was for my fiancée, therefore we had to let this one go 😭

It also had the usual disadvantage of a private venue where you must vacate the premises by 12 o’clock the next day as the venue needs to prepared for the next guests.

If you want to find more photos and info, head over to their website Kildare Golf Course | Private Wedding Venue | Palmerstown House Estate