Landscape Photography - Spinc Loop, Glendalough

Not sure when or why but I took this image down off my gallery, even though it means a lot to me.

This was the first hike after my operation.
My first test to see if my knee and legs have regained some strength for some proper endurance.

What started out like a fairly overcast day turned out miserable. As myself and Cooper were getting off the Cliff Path at Glendalough and got past the steps to the top, rain started dripping down. I tried to take a few shots with my DSLR, but eventually gave up. The rain drops kept falling quicker onto the lens than I could clean it, so for the rest of the trip I just used my phone.

Small river bridge to get over the river Glenealo that runs into the upper Glendalough lake.

This was still late January, so the temperatures were not the nicest, as soon as we passed the peak height of the trail we came out in the open where we had no trees or mountains to shelter us. This is where the weather turned really nasty and myself and Cooper just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. I think we ended up passing multiple people on the way down trying to get by as quickly as possible.

Your half way point on the Spinc walk is normally the bridge passing over the Glenealo river. Once we got there the winds eased as mountains surround you from all sides and we could finally catch a break and enjoy the rest of the walk. This is where this picture eventually came in, I could finally concentrate on lifting my head up instead of hiding from the weather and for a peak moment the sun peaked through a small gap in the sky and showed me the way.

The leading lines,the colors and the dynamic complex background just came all together to take this beautiful photo. 

If you wish to order this print to hang up on your wall, click here to head over to my online store

Thanks for reading my little update. 

Photos by Evan