Evening trip to Clogher Head in Dingle Peninsula

Smooth Waves

My blue hour capture of Tearaght Island from Clogher Head in Dingle, Co Kerry
I set out to capture some sunset pictures in Dunquin Harbor on a recent visit, but unfortunately didn't get to it in time for the correct light to be falling on it, so resorted to trying to capture some other stuff, as in my previous blog posts.

Once the sun set down, I started seeing some beautiful white highlights in the water that just drew my eye to the island. Its a very simple picture with not a whole lot in it, suppose you have to appreciate simplicity and shapes in order to truly appreciate this sort of picture.

Back years ago, I would have probably walked past this shot not thinking a whole lot about this, but these days everything attracts my eyes :D its hard to put out images sometimes when you just take them. I normally let most pictures sit untouched for a while before I go near them, I believe that way I can re-discover the image with a new set of eyes and perhaps think it through a little better and try to see what a person who didn't take a picture would see.

A simple composition of Tearaght Island from Clogher Head

A simple composition of Tearaght Island from Clogher Head

For those interested in camera settings, I was actually using a completely non landscape lens, I try to bring my 105mm macro lens on trips and try capture shots from a distance in order to look for different angles and perspectives. Sometimes going wide just creates too much confusion in an image of what you're actually trying to portray. 

Image Settings, 30 second exposure at F10 at ISO64
Camera Nikon D800 using Nikkor 105mm Macro F2.8 VR using Manfrotto Tripod